

Smart Little Lion Bilingual Reading Pen
(Mandarin & English)
Quway 趣威点读笔 双语点读小百科

  • ** Bundle and Save! Buy the Smart Little Lion Reading Pen + Advanced Bilingual Book Bundle and save $30 CAD **

    This Bilingual Reading Pen in Mandarin and English, is a great independent learning tool for toddlers and children to learn their vocabulary in a fun and interactive way. Simply turn on the reading pen, tap on the book and the pen will dictate the subject/action accordingly!

    The Smart Little Lion is third-generation reading pen of Quway, with special AI technology that allows children to interact with the pen (think Siri), truly making it a smart little lion!

    Click here to view full collection of all books compatible with The Smart Little Lion pen.

    All reading pen purchased from Little Happy Books comes with a 1 year warranty – click here for more information.


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