

My Dad


From the 2000 Hans Christian Andersen Medalist

In an endearing homage to dads everywhere, a boy describes -- and exaggerates -- the many accomplishments and feats of his father. Among the traits praised are his enormous talent for singing, his near-professional wrestling skills, his extreme bravery in the face of danger (he's not even afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!), and his ability to -- quite literally, in Anthony Browne's world -- eat like a horse. All of the pictures feature the lovable pater in his signature plaid bathrobe, adding a further comfy layer to a book whose ultimate message is "I love my dad. And you know what? HE LOVES ME! (And he always will.)".

This item is only for one book (My Dad - 我爸爸), click here if you would like to see the My Mom - 我妈妈 book.

Details & Specs

Title: My Dad - 我爸爸
Author: Anthony Browne
Translator:Yu Zhiying
Publisher: 河北教育出版社
Language: Simplified Chinese
Age: 3+
Number of Pages:24
