
Tomorrow Publishing House

Good Morning Good Night Nursery Rhymes
早安晚安: 给0-3岁宝宝的自理儿歌


Good Morning Good Night Nursery Rhymes contains children's songs to guide and help children with their daily routines. Compiled with vivid illustrations, catchy lyrics, nice melody and a brisk rhythm, these nursery rhymes will surely get your child moving!

The book includes a board book and music CD.  Each song includes two parts: "Song Singing" and "Karaoke Singing", so the child can learn and then sing on their own as well!

Track List:
 《宝宝早》— 早上醒来说早安: "Morning Baby"
 《叉子和汤匙》— 学习自己吃饭:  "Fork and Spoon”
 《打电话》— 电话中的交谈技巧:  "Calling"
 《穿鞋子》— 自己动手穿鞋子:  "Put on Shoes"
 《尿尿》— 用小马桶上厕所:  "Pee pee"
 《洗澡》— 让宝宝爱洗澡:  "Bathtime"
 《刷刷牙》— 养成刷牙好习惯:  "Brush your teeth"
 《晚安》— 上床睡觉说晚安:  "Good night"

Details & Specs

Title: Good Morning Good Night Nursery Rhymes - 早安晚安: 给0-3岁宝宝的自理儿歌
Author: 李紫蓉
Publisher: Tomorrow Publishing House
 Board Book & CD
Language:  Simplified Chinese, Mandarin
Age: 0-3
Number of Pages:14

